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Stripes and Sombreros

Boy am I glad it’s Monday. I know most people hate Mondays but with my hair dresser schedule, I live for Mondays! I even worked yesterday so today is my first day off in like six days. I plan to drink lots of coffee, lounge around, run and…

Whatever Forever: Business Casual

It’s FRIDAY! Weeeee! That means my bff gets married tomorrow, and I get to dance my booty off (my FAVE) so it’s a good day! I love a little business casual look every once in a while! Makes me feel all professional. And with this outfit…

Sunflowers and Festival Season

Who’s ready for festival season?! I got my wardrobe but not my ticket, unfortunately. But maybe those of you going will still be inspired! If it were up to me, I would be going to Stagecoach. (But probably in Coachella clothes :P) I LOVE country music. I have…

O V E R A L L S and D O C S

Sooo when I first saw that overalls were coming back, I was a little hesitant. I mean I wore them every day of my 12-year-old life. But seriously, I love it. I’ve learned that the repeats are gonna come so I should just embrace them. I…

White Denim, Floral and Braids

Happy Friday, Everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful week and are looking forward to the weekend! I am heading out pretty soon on a 20-mile training run for the Boston Marathon (Eeeeeek! No matter how comfortable I am with running, I always get nervous before long runs!). Then…

Braids and a Midi Dress

Saturday, Ben and I went down to Laguna Beach. It was such a beautiful day. We just walked around, looked in shops, people watched (I LOVE seeing all the different types of people out and about), shared a frozen banana and took a few pictures, of course. My fave thing…

Climbing Miss Daisy

 Sooo the other day when we were taking photos, my hubby had this grand idea for me to climb up on a little brick ledge. It was kind of high, and I’m kind of short. But when I tried to tell him no, he just said, “You…

Coffee Dates and Cleopatra

 Ben and I sometimes have a hard time making time to see each other because our schedules can be opposite. I have to work a lot of weekends as a hairdresser, and his schedule can change from day to day. So I was so excited we got to sneak in…

Hat, Booties, and Railroads

I seriously LOVE hats. Any chance I can get to wear one, I do. In the past they were my cover-up for dirty hair days, but now I just wear them just because. They can make any old outfit just have that extra something. All the hats like this…


I am loving these new floral pants I picked up at Forever 21 over the weekend. They are the most comfortable thing ever (basically like wearing pajamas!), but are still so cute and on trend with all the floral patterns that are everywhere (and perfect for all of your Coachella…