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Leopard Mini

Good morning, and happy Thursday! This post will be quick because I need to get ready to leave to Palm Springs! I got this leopard mini at one of my favorite local boutiques, Kaitlyn. I love the asymmetry of it! I decided to pair it with this button down instead…

I’d Hit That

I know, I know. Slightly inappropriate, but oh-so-much fun. I was out shopping with my friends the other day, and I showed them this shirt, and they were like you HAVE to get it; it’s so funny! So I did, and here we are. I paired…

70’s Chic

Guyssssss! I’m seriously in love with my outfit in this post!!! I usually like what I’m wearing but I was especially excited about this outfit! I keep seeing pants like these everywhere and have been wanting some but wasn’t quite sure about them. I…

Muscle Tee and Cut-Offs

Goodmorning! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Mine was mostly good except the hubs left Friday night to training, and he will be gone for two whole weeks! This is the longest he’s been gone since we got married, and I already miss him so much! Also…

Hearts and Stripes

Good morning! I just woke up from a great night of sleep, and I’m heating water for coffee so it’s a good day.(Be better if the coffee was already in my hand, but then I guess I couldn’t type.) Hope you all have…

Kisses All Around

Happy Monday and besos from moi! I’m so happy it’s Monday. I worked over the weekend, and finalllly  got to sleep in this morning. And as a bonus surprise, my hubby decided to stay home from work so we got to cuddle all morning! Yay! I…


So I’m always on the lookout for a graphic tee that speaks my language. And THIS is definitely it. I’m a hairstylist so I obviously appreciate when anyone has “NICE Hair”, and hence I also appreciate this tee. (I had seen a shirt similar…

Halter Top and Skater Skirt

Good morning and happy Wednesday! I can’t wake up this morning, probably because I’m still waiting for the coffee to brew. 😛 I’m so excited because I just have one client this morning, and then I’m off to the beach with my bestie…

Floral Pants and Crop

Happpppy Memorial Day, Everyone! I hope today you take a minute to think about all of those who have sacrificed and continue to sacrifice their lives and their time for our freedoms. Today I am especially thankful for my husband who serves in the Marine Corps Reserves with the Crash…

Dressing Up with a Formal ‘Do, Part 2

Happy Friday, Ladies! Today I have part two of my dressing with a formal ‘do post. This would obviously be a look you could go for for an extra special event like prom or something. I got this dress last fall from Lulu’s for the Marine Corps…