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OH hey guys. I feel like it’s been a minute. I’m usually super on it with posting three times a week, but the last few weeks have been some of my busiest yet. Friday was the first time in probably two months that Ben and I have gone out to shoot. Aka it was planned, and I did more than one outfit. Lately, time has only allowed for us to just stop to snap some photos on our way somewhere. But having a stock of photos makes life so much easier so we are going to try to work on that so I don’t have to skip days!

If you’ve learned anything about me in the last year, then you probably know that I am obsessed with white. I think a lot of people are nervous to wear white for fear of staining (Oxyclean, people!), or they feel like it’s too much of a statement. But I love how timeless and classy white is. If I had paired this with a printed top, I might look back in a year and wonder why but an all white look tends to last over the years. Now the overalls, on the other hand, we may all be wondering about in few years. 😛 Fun fact, Ben was not a super fan of this outfit and would have preferred a colored shirt under it. Sorry, Babe. Also, I found some cheaper just as cute overalls here and here!

Ok five random things because just talking about my clothes and pressing post feels not right to me unless I’m really on one with the sarcasm that day. 😛

  1. One of my biggest fears while out running is that I’m going to step on a lizard and chop its tail off. They are always out sunning themselves on the sidewalk, and I almost trip every time trying to avoid them. They’re probably like what the heck girl, I’m just tryna get my tan on!

2. I went dancing for the first time in who knows how long on Saturday night, and I told my friends I would only go till midnight #grandma, but I ended up staying out till 2am like the real dance lover I am.

3. The photo I’m going to post on Instagram this morning to let people know this post is up is not from this shoot because my typically not OCD but today I am self can’t have two photos from the same shoot on top of each other in my Instagram feed.. 😛

4. I always like to leave on vacation with the house clean. That way when I come home and have to get back to life right away, things aren’t a disaster. (Thinking about that because we leave on vacation tomorrow. See below. 😛 )

5. Ben and I always think we want to go to Europe on vacation and whenever I see people’s photos, I want to go, but deep down I’m pretty sure we both always want to be in a tropical location on a beach. And for me, preferably in a country that speaks my father tongue, Spanish. (Is that what it would be called? You know, since your mother tongue is your first language? I mean I also first learned Spanish from my father (I literally never call him that #dad), so even if I’m just making crap up, it works right???

Ok, I’m done. Heading to work for a few hours and then I’m out for the week!

I AM SO FREAKING EXCITED. Ben and I are heading to Cabo tomorrow morning! This last year (and basically our whole life together thus far) has been full of a lot of sacrifices on both our parts and doing things apart a lot. But we are coming closer to the end of a lot of that, and I can’t wait to kick it off with a few days on the beach with my best friend. Make sure you’re following along on Instagram to see all the fun!




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Christine Benentt

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