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Top: SheIn here; Pants: Nordstrom here (on sale!); Shoes: Sole Society here (on sale!); Purse: Forever 21 here

I am always a sucker for white and blue so over the holiday weekend, I put this look together and just added a red lip. But guaranteed I would wear this look on a regular old day too! I have been eyeing these Topshop white jeans for a while now, and when I went in to Nordstrom the other day, they were on sale! Yippee. And I only wish now I had bought them sooner because I think I have worn them almost every single day since I got them! They are so comfy, just high enough in the waist to go with cropped tops and normal ones and have the perfect stretch. Ok, and seriously I don’t rave about stuff unless I really really love it but these sandals have also been worn nearly every day since I got them. Which means I made a good choice with my purchase. (Size down an whole size in the sandals. ) I love having things like these jeans and sandals that can be paired with so many different things. Last thing I promise. This top is $13, and you need it. 😛

I’m seriously being a little sales girl today. I’m usually not like that but I just have really been working on filling my closet with pieces I absolutely love. Being a fashion blogger can honestly sometimes be overwhelming with all the clothes I end up with. And believe it or not, I actually think I have less clothes now that I’m a blogger than before. I get rid of stuff so much quicker. And I’m learning what pieces I like to invest in (like jeans and shoes) and which ones I feel are good to not spend as much on. (Like trendy tops that I rotate through more quickly!) So lately I have been feeling like I WANT to spend more on certain pieces. I have found that a lot of what I end up getting rid of easily are the pieces I found for a good deal and bought kinda because I liked them and kinda because they were a bargain. But if I were to not buy all those bargain pieces and just buy one thing I loved and wore all the time, I would be way better off! Plus it seems that those are the kind of pieces other people want to know about too. What about you? Are you lured in by sales easily?! (Well clearly I am given that all the stuff in my post was on sale, but I had at least already wanted it and finally got it when it went on sale. 😛 ) Or are you good at just picking key pieces to invest in? I’m working on it so expect to see more good investment pieces around here!

Our Fourth of July was SO much fun! We had almost forty people over at my gram’s, and spent the day swimming and then lit off fireworks. It’s been a long time since we had little kids around when doing fireworks so it was so much having all my nieces and nephews around doing sparklers and getting excited! My brother and his fam are here the rest of this week too so I’m hanging out with them as much as I can.

Hope you had the best Fourth of July!




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Christine Benentt

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Dress: Boohoo here (Currently 50% off!); Sandals: Sold out, similar here and here; Purse: Forever 21 here Happy Fourth of July. True...
