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Earlier this week, Alena and I went out to Palm Springs to stay at The Saguaro! If you follow Alena, you know how much she loves color, and she had been wanting to go to this hotel forever. So when I told her how close I was to it, it was a done deal! We booked our room through Hotel Tonight, and if you haven’t heard of or used this app, you need to! My friend told me about it a few months back, and since then I have been  using it to book a lot of my getaways. The prices on there are WAY cheaper than booking elsewhere. BUT you do have to be ok with booking last minute. Alena and I booked our stay literally an hour before we left to drive out to Palm Springs. And we ended up saving $60 per night. (P.S. This is not an ad. I really just love this app. 😛 )

So as you can tell from all of the photos, the hotel is basically the cutest thing ever. Everything is fun colors and all of the rooms have different colored doors and whatever color your door is is the main color of your room! I took a photo of our room on Snap but I guess I forgot to save it! But if you look online, you can see how cute the rooms are. We ended up with orange as the main color which was still so cute, but the whole time we were kinda eyeing the pink door two doors down. So next time we might see about asking for a certain color. 😛

The hotel has lots of floats in the pool. I actually had brought the exact same flamingo float with me but since they had one there, I decided to save myself from the headache (literally) of blowing it up. They also have bikes that you can use for free (aka included in the daily resort fee 😛 ). But we totally forgot about them and saw them as we were leaving and were sad. So if you go, make sure to go for a bike ride on the cute bikes!

Also, if you go to Palm Springs, you definitely NEED to go to #thatpinkdoor! The house is so gorgeous. I did a whole shoot in front of it that I will be sharing next week. (I found the address of the house just from looking on Instagram but if you can’t find it, email me! I just didn’t want to share some random person’s address on here. 😛 ) And of course since there was a house across the street with a C and B on it (you know for Christine and Ben), I had to take a photo in front of it.

If you’re looking for food, there honestly aren’t a ton of places close by. But we did find this BOMB pho place called Pho 533 that I would definitely recommend. And Koffi was great for coffee! If you want more food options and possibly a quick little stop in Forever 21, there’s a lot more about 15 minutes away in Rancho Mirage.

This place is seriously the perfect place for a girls’ trip! We laughed a lot, took too many photos, and laid by the pool. It was the perfect amount of fun and relaxation!

Hope you all are having the best week! I’m back to work and mostly just wishing for the weekend because I miss Ben!

All outfit details and fun pool floaties linked below!




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Christine Benentt

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