T-Shirt Styling 👚

T-Shirt Dress: TJ Maxx, similar here, love this, this, and this; Jacket: Kaitlyn, similar here; Hat: Cocorose Boutique, similar here, love this; Wedges: Lauren Conrad via Kohl’s, similar here and here

Happy Thursday, girls! Hope you’re having the best week! Usually I would post Wednesday but I had a ton of stuff to get ready to go for my trip plus I wanted to see my boo before I left! And when that’s the case, real life aways wins for taking my time. For those just stopping by for the first time, I’m in Utah visiting my brother, his wife and my three nieces. Oh. Em. G. I love them. They are six, three and turning one on Friday, and I just literally can’t even. 😛  Calling me Aunt Christine all day long and asking me a million questions. I love it. They may make a blog appearance because they’re just so cute! Or if you want to see sooner, you can just follow me on Snapchat: mox_ie.

I’ve been on the hunt for a good t-shirt dress, and I found this one last week at TJ Maxx for $15! Score! I’ve also linked some super cute, fairly inexpensive ones above for you to check out! I love the material of this one because it has the look of a t-shirt without being too thin. Watch out for that! Also make sure the length isn’t too short, and you can also add a jacket for a more finished look. We are going for a simplistic, minimalist look, not the I just rolled out of bed and threw on my man’s shirt look (Just say no to the walk of shame, Ladies.). I’ve been on a hat kick lately, which you might have noticed on my Instagram. I promise it won’t last forever but there’s just something about adding a hat to ANYTHING. Makes it an outfit without even trying. I’m super into this hat here and just might have to get it. It’d be perfect for your upcoming festival weekends too! (I don’t know if it falls into the “festival” category but I’m going to Stagecoach, a country music festival in two weeks, and SO excited.) I wore this look last weekend out with the hubs to a super good pizza place in Pasadena. I’ve mentioned before we are trying to be better about exploring where we live. So if you’re close, you should try out Luggage Room Pizzeria. We got this avocado, basil and lemon zest pizza, and it was bomb dot com.

Hope you all have the best week! Thanks for coming by!



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About The Author

Christine Benentt

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  1. hideorgochic | 9th Apr 15

    I love the add-ons (leather jacket, and the hat) of this look! https://hideorgochic.wordpress.com

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