Southern Belle with Shabby Apple ๐ŸŽ

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^^Sometimes you just gotta stop and smell the flowers and not take yourself so seriously ๐Ÿ˜› ย ย Dress: Shabby Apple c/o here; Wedges: Target, similar here

Good morning, and happy Wednesday! Today I’m sharing this amazing dress from Shabby Apple! They have so many cute dresses and skirts that you know are just going to make you feel like the girliest girl ever. I chose this one because I just wanted something pink and super girly, and I loved the patterning on it. To be honest I was a little nervous about the length of this dress because I have always tended to shy away from anything that covered my knees. But I guess I’m learning the more I try stuff that that doesn’t matter! I ended up loving the length! And I absolutely LOVE the dress. I love the color and the fit and hello, the pockets, of course! I also love the structure in the bodice of the dress too, so flattering! Before I got the dress in the mail, I had originally thought of going with a very sophisticated Jackie Kennedy type look with my styling but then I put it on and was just feeling a little more of a Southern belle carefree vibe. So I did a loose side braid and found this pretty field and voila!

About this field though…I know these photos might look glamorous and carefree, but the process to get there was definitely not. This field is right by our house and on a busy street so for one, I literally was freaking out (just ask my hubby) that everyone was staring at me getting out of the car. And that probably meant that someone I knew was staring at me because we live in a city where everywhere I go I run into someone I know. Then, there’s this big slope to get down to the field and um yah, there’s nothing graceful about going down a hill in five inch heels. ๐Ÿ™ˆ And finally, to top it all off the ground on the field wasn’t firm! So every step I took I sunk into the ground. In my five inch heels. Then I would find a spot that was semi firm, and tell my hubby to hurry up and snap some photos before I sunk in again. I’m just really glad my face wasn’t crazy in all the photos as I was trying to stay balanced. (Well, there are some of those, of course, but #notsocute so I’ll keep them to myself). So yah, in case you’re thinking being a blogger is all fun and games, just wait til you try to take photos in a holey field in five inch heels. ๐Ÿ˜›

I hope you all are having the best week! I still feel like I’m trying to recover from our weekend. Staying up late and singing your heart out can really take a toll. ๐Ÿ˜› I AM really proud of myself because I filmed not one but TWO new tutorials for you all, so as soon as I get them edited I will have them up on the blog for you. I’m off to Crossfit and then work the rest of the day. Hope you all are having the best week!



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About The Author

Christine Benentt

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