Cozy Orange and a CrossFit Workout









Photography: Derek Fay Media

Top: Cozy Orange here; Pants: Nike, here;  Shoes: Converse, similar here

Hey guys! Happy Monday! How was everyone’s weekend?! Mine was full of lots of Christmas festivities! We had a Christmas party for our CrossFit gym as well as for my salon on Saturday. At our salon party, I played Roulette for the first time! I can see now why people get addicted to gambling. 😛 And we ate Mexican food, which is never a bad thing. On Sunday, we also went to a boat parade nearby our house to see all of the Christmas lights! I seriously cannot believe Christmas is almost here. Confession: I have not really even started Christmas shopping. 😛 I definitely need to get to it! But we are not doing a ton of gifts this year. My hubby and I are hoping to go to Cancun in the beginning of the summer so we are just going to do stockings for each other. So we’ll just be getting stuff for our families and a few friends. But I obvi need to get to it. 😛

So I promise we’ll be back to fashion soon, but today I have another post coming to you from Cozy Orange. This top I’m wearing from them is amazing. I was obsessed with the halter bathing suits all summer so I didn’t need any convincing on this top! The cut gives such a feminine look. It also already has padding built in too it which I love. And I always love any back details so this top is a winner! Don’t forget that you can still get 15% off of your purchase with the code: moxieiscozy!

For those of you who don’t know, I have been doing CrossFit for over two years and absolutely love it. Before I stepped into my CrossFit gym, I had literally never picked up a barbell in my life or been able to do a pull-up (except maybe when I was really little). I ran all of my life to stay in shape. I had a gym pass too for a period of time but I would just dabble around on a machine or two and then leave so I ended up quitting it and sticking to running outside. When I found CrossFit, everything changed! I learned to do pull-ups (after NINE MONTHS so be patient if you wanna do one) and learned all the ins and outs of weight lifting. It was so new to me, and still sometimes I feel like I don’t know what I’m doing. But it’s awesome and has done things for my body that running never could. It also improved my running tremendously leading me to be able to qualify for and run the Boston Marathon. So if you’re hesitant to try something like CrossFit, don’t be! I actually have a fun at home workout you can do to give you a taste of what CrossFit is! My hubby and I did it yesterday afternoon together, and you don’t need anything at all except a pull-up bar (we have one that goes in the door way) if you are able to do them. You can also modify any part of the workout to suit your needs and capabilities.

Complete five rounds of following series of movements and record your time:

400m run (I mapped it out running out our front door and down the street with my MapMyRun app. It was about a block and a half out and then back home)

5 Pull-ups (If you can’t do pull-ups, you can eliminate this step or do dips on the edge of a chair or table)

10 Push-ups (Regular or on your knees)

15 Air squats (Just squat down with the chest up, back straight, and make sure you go below parallel)

20 Sit-ups

Proceed through each step, and then start again until you complete a total of 5 rounds. This should be approximately a 30-minute workout. Please please please let me know if you have any questions at all! I would love to help. And if you do this, let me know how it was for you! xoxox


The hubs and I yesterday after we finished that workout! 😛

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About The Author

Christine Benentt

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